Leigh Steinberg Files Chapter 7

Sports agent Leigh Steinberg filed Chapter 7 on January 11, 2012 in Santa Ana.

Bankruptcy Petition #: 8:12-bk-10425-TA. Assigned to the Hon. Theodor Albert. His Chapter 7 Trustee is David L. Hahn.

Steinberg has represented NFL stars such as Troy Aikman, Warren Moon, Steve Young and Ben Roethlisberger. He was the inspiration for Tom Cruise’s character in the 1996 movie “Jerry Maguire.”

His assets include minimal miscellaneous home furnishings, clothing, a car, and almost half a million dollars worth of stock in a corporation. An “amendment [is] forthcoming” re that asset.  He does not own any real property.

An “amendment [is] forthcoming” re almost all of the debts: secured debts, taxes, most of the unsecured creditors. As they stand the unsecured debts total approx. $3.1M and the priority debts total approx. $101,000.

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