NACTT Complimentary Membership to Students

Dear Professor,
The NACTT Academy is a non-profit educational organization with e-mail and a website,, being the primary method for sharing of information.  The Academy is pleased to offer you and/or your students a complimentary membership.  To take advantage simply e-mail your name and e-mail address  to  Please share this information with your students.
Additionally, as a partner with the National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees, the NACTT Academy requests that you share the attached announcement with your bankruptcy students regarding an NACTT sponsored writing contest.  The award for the first place essay, article or comment on an issue concerning Chapter 13 is a $1,000 cash prize, publication of the article in the NACTT quarterly and free registration and lodging for the NACTT seminar in New Orleans, LA,  July 12-14, 2012.
Thank you in advance for your assistance in sharing this information with your bankruptcy students.
Prof. Michaela M. White
Editor & Advisor NACTT Academy

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